Updates to COVID Protocols, Feb. 8, 2022

Feb. 8, 2022

As a result of a decline in COVID-19 cases on- and off-campus, the Campus Risk Status has been reduced from “High” to “Moderate to High.” Updates to restrictions that were put in place during the Omicron surge have been lifted. 

As a result of a decline in COVID-19 cases on- and off-campus, the Campus Risk Status has been reduced from “High” to “Moderate to High.” 

Below, please find updates to restrictions that were put in place during the Omicron surge that are lifted effective immediately. 



Indoor gatherings may include food and attendees are welcome to remove their masks while eating or drinking. Masks must be worn when not actively eating or drinking.  

Students no longer are limited to 20 guests in their dormitory suites or rooms, but all guests must be participants in the University’s asymptomatic testing program. Visitors who are not participating in the asymptomatic testing program are still not permitted inside dorms.  

Academic, administrative, and residential buildings will remain accessible to faculty, staff, and students by card access only. 



Effective February 8, students who are up to date with vaccinations, including a COVID booster shot, and have submitted proof to UHS, will test once a week*, subject to the exceptions specified below. Students who have already submitted a sample this week (Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday) will not need to submit another sample until next week.  

The following categories of individuals are required to continue to test more frequently:  

  • Student athletes and performers who are participating in rehearsals, practices, games, and/or performances where masks are not worn must submit two test samples during the weeks when they are participating in those activities. 
  • Individuals who have approved vaccine exemptions must continue to test twice a week. 

*Faculty, staff, and students who test positive, either through the asymptomatic testing program or by reporting an off-site positive to UHS, are exempt from the University's testing requirement for 90 days.  



Visitors are no longer required to be “essential,” but visitors 5 years and older must attest to being up to date on their COVID-19 vaccinations, including boosters, as eligible. Faculty and staff who wish to sponsor a visitor should submit to their department or office head a completed Sponsored Visitor Request Form. All visitors must wear a face covering while indoors except when they are actively eating and drinking, or if they are delivering a lecture.  



As of January 31, Princeton University requires that all faculty, staff, researchers, appointed visiting faculty and researchers, temporary employees, and independent contractors (i.e., individuals working alongside with or providing services to students and employees) receive and provide proof of being up to date on all COVID-19 vaccines and boosters authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or World Health Organization.   

The requirement applies to all employees regardless of work location, including partial or full remote work domestically, and others routinely working on campus or in property occupied by the University. 

For answers to frequently asked questions about boosters, please visit the Princeton COVID Resources Vaccinations page.  

After receiving a booster, staff and faculty must enter their updated status to VacStatus; students must upload their status to MyUHS